
Library Details :
Our Library is well maintained and well furnished. We have about 34846 books, 9222 titles. More than 84 National Journals and periodicals are subscribed to currently which facilitates research in our college. We also have multiple copies of National, Regional and Local Newspapers and Magazines. Also we have E-Journals, E-Books viz., IEEE, K-Hub. We have Book Bank scheme for toppers and other students. The total management of Library is from SLIM software. We have a specious reading room. The total environment in Library as well as reading room is very silent and useful for study.
Library Committee
Sr.No | Member Name | Post | Represent |
1 | Dr. S. A. Khot | President | Principal |
2 | Mr. A. B. Jadhav | Member | Faculty, Civil Engineering |
3 | Dr. S. D. Patil | Member | HOD, Mechanical Engineering |
4 | Mr. K. A. Kupade | Member | Faculty, E&TC Engineering |
5 | Dr. K Hussain | Member | HOD, Electrical Engineering |
6 | Mr. Shashidhar Gurav | Member | HOD, Computer Sci. &Engg. |
7 | Dr. Amit Chinchwade | Member | HOD, AI&DS |
8 | Dr. ShabanamShikalgar | Member | HOD, Mechatronics Engg. |
9 | Dr. Govind Singh Patel | Mamber | HOD, Automation & Robotics. |
10 | Dr. Sarika Patil | Member | HOD, Basic Sciences & Humanities |
11 | Mr. Shital Kinikar | Member | Accountant |
12 | Ms. Manasi Sangale | Member | Student (TY CSE) |
13 | Ms. Nikita Vijay Bhise | Member | Student (TY Electrical) |
14 | Mr. Yuvraj A. Patil | Secretary | Librarian |
Quantity Details:
1 | Civil Engineering | 1214 | 5083 | 6+3 |
2 | Mechanical Engineering. | 1850 | 7836 | 6+2 |
3 | Electronics & Computer Engineering. | 1450 | 6588 | 12+1 |
4 | Electrical Engineering. | 712 | 3363 | 6+0 |
5 | Computer Science & Engineering | 1284 | 5454 | 18+1 |
6 | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | 164 | 420 | 12+0 |
7 | Mechatronics Engineering | 90 | 198 | 12+0 |
8 | Automation & Robotics | 38 | 67 | 6+0 |
9 | Basic Sciences & Humanities | 2908 | 6948 | 0+5 |
*TOTAL* | 9710 | 35957 | 90 |
Resources :
SR | Resources | Details |
1 | IEEE E-journals | 223 |
2 | E Books | 2261 |
3 | Compact Disks | 1644 |
4 | Journals Bound Volumes | 668 | e library
1 | E Books | 4866 |
2 | E journals | 10112 |
3 | E Magazines | 159 |
4 | Conference Proceedings | 101 |
5 | Case Reports | 820 |
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
A) Online Resources
- IEEE E Journals- – logged in automatically
- National Digital Library Membership-
- K-hub E Library- – logged in automatically
B) Intranet Resources
- NPTEL-National Program on Technical Enhanced Learning
- IIT Video Lecture Series available on Library Server
- NPTEL Video and E-Books
NPTEL Server Details
User Name- SITCOE
Password – nptel
Library Materials
User Name- library
Password – library
Library Staff

Mr. Yuvraj A. Patil

Mr. Lenje Rahul K

Mrs.Garad Kishori Sachin
Qualification: B.A.M.Lib & Isc
Experience: 6 Years
E mail: kishorigarad17