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Shri Shamrao Patil Yadravkar Educational & Charitable Trust’s  

Sharad Institute Of Technology College Of Engineering

An Autonomous Institute 
NBA Accredited Programmes. An ‘A’ Grade Institute Accredited By NAAC, An ISO 9001:2015 Accredited Enstatite.  
Recognized u/s 2(f) & 12(B) Of The UGC Act 1956

Sharad Institute Of Technology College Of Engineering

An Autonomous Institute

Foss Lab


  • Kernel configuration, compilation and installation: -Download / access the latest kernel source code from, compile the kernel and install it in the local system.
  • Installing various software packages: – The student can practice installing the latest version. Of course, this might need internet access.
  • GUI programming: – Using eclipse software development tool student can design any project in various languages like php, java, etc.
  • Develop free and open web-based resources to help other colleges and community groups get involved, including a repository of software tools and support materials.
  • Take the lead role in identifying technologies for different applications for the government, public enterprises, educational institutions, small business, individuals and other key sectors.
  • Work with local, national and international institutions and networks working in the FOSS domain in order to share experiences and to learn from one other.
  • Student would get an opportunity to lay hands on Autodesk design software, understand principles of 3D design &clear doubts


  • Student Should Learn Languages Like PHP, Perl, Python, Android etc. to Develop an Application as per Requirement.
  • Will Arrange Workshop on PHP and Developing Projects in PHP .Using open source IDE (Eclips PDT, Code Lite Etc)
  • Will Arrange Workshop on Java and Developing Projects In Java and Android. Using open Source IDE (NetBeans, Eclips, Android Studio etc)


  •  FOSS for business: -Open source is no longer hanging around the periphery of the business conversation.
  • Multimedia: -With tools like Audacity and OpenShot, you can do just about anything with audio or video you need.
  • Cloud: – The major players in the cloud are open source. Red HatUbuntuSUSEAmazonand Rackspace  they all get it and know that open source is the best solution for cloud deployments.
  • Big data: – Big data and open source now go hand in hand. Innovations like in-memory data and live kernel patching make open source an ideal solution for big data.
  • Development: – Developing with open source is a no-brainer. PHP, Python, Java jdk 1.7 there are as many languages to develop with as there are tools.
  • Security: – The route to security is a challenging one the open source security route will take a bit more time to deploy.



Name: Mr. Prashant B. Patil
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E (CN)
Department: Computer Science & Engineering